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Struggling With Loose Dentures?


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Providing Immediate Care in Your Time of Need

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Beautiful Smiles to Brighten Your Life

At Marcin Dental Centers, we understand just how important your smile is. We offer a wide variety of dental services to help you keep your smile bright, beautiful, and healthy! Our experienced Chillicothe and Peoria dentists have a commitment to providing you with the most advanced dental care available while also offering you a professional and friendly environment.

As a dental practice that values every single patient, we want you to feel comfortable when you visit our office. To schedule an appointment, please call us at one of our locations: 309-693-0043 for our Peoria office or 309-274-6237 for our Chillicothe office.

smiling woman

There’s a Good Chance That We Accept Your Insurance!

At Marcin Dental Centers, we want to offer dental care to as many people as possible, which is why we accept most dental PPO plans. Are we in your dental network? Click here or call and speak to a friendly member of our team.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Our dentists and staff at Marcin Dental Centers’ work hard to ensure that you receive the best dental care using the most up-to-date equipment. Your smile is important to you, which makes it important to us. If you would like to set up an appointment, please call us today at: 309-693-0043 in Peoria, 309-274-6237 in Chillicothe.

Schedule Exceptional Dental Care

Two Convenient Locations

We have offices in Chillicothe and Peoria, IL.


607 S 4th St
Chillicothe, IL 61523



7620 N University St
Suite 107
Peoria, IL 61614


Peoria, IL

Marcin Dental Peoria, North University Street, Peoria, IL, USA

Chillicothe, IL

Marcin Dental Chilicothe, South 4th Street, Chillicothe, IL, USA